
Friday, February 3, 2012

Let's see if this works...

Yay! An app for my phone that allows me to blog anywhere :)

Today was another day filled with kids and quilting.  No tennis today, but that's ok.  My arm really needed a rest.

Woke up this morning and simply did not want to get moving.  My awesome Hubby took my boys to school and I was able to get a little more sleep.  After a shower, I watched "Mona Lisa's Smile".  Love, love, love the art in that movie. Makes me want to go back to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, where Van Gogh's "Starry Night" brought me to tears and Monet's "Agapanthus" became one of my favorite Impressionist pieces... And don't get me started on Monet's Water Lily's- they simply took my breath away.

I finally managed to get to the school and drop of field-trip money around noon and then made a quick trip to the grocery store.  Came home, quilted a bit before picking up the boys from school, came home, quilted some more and then some more and then some more.

I finally feel like I made some progress on the red and blue quilt today and am finally sewing together pieces that I will not be cutting to make different pieces.

With my new app I will be able to post picks as well.  So, I am pmanning on posting picks  of my in-progress quilts, as well as the progress of the conversion of my office from little boys outer space bedroom to my crafting room/studio.

Heading to bed now.  I have a parent-teacher conference early in the morning and lots of laundry and sewing to do as well.


Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

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