
Friday, February 17, 2012

I hate gray days...

Twin-size Blue and Red "Flock of Geese"-- not quilted yet
Blue, Green and Yellow Baby boy Quilt top
Fabric Inspiration -- I think it needs a little more blue
Today is a blah, gray day and I can't seem to find any motivation.  I've read a bit, watched Eat, Pray, Love (which I didn't think I'd like, but I did) and ran to McDonald's for lunch.

Now, I'm sitting here waiting for my kids to get out of school with an extra 45 minutes.  I am really struggling right now, emotionally.  I've got to be PMS'ing.

I'm pissed at myself because I lost 12 lbs at the beginning of the year and I have gained 9 back. Yet, I'm not working out and eating McDonald's... What in the world am I doing?  So, now, I need to add diet and exercise to my ever-growing to do lists.  I think I am going to to the 17 day diet again and start turbo zone again.  And I am definitely going to get the husband on board with the plan.  It's so much easier when we are on the same page.

I have been pretty busy this week and have managed to get six tops finished.  5 of them are backed and waiting to be quilted.  The sixth is waiting on some embroidery and then I will finish that one up. 

I have also been a bit more successful with putting aside my "work" when the kids get home.  But, I am thinking that I neex to take one day a week to clean house.  Maybe Monday because that's my laundry day.  We'll see.

I am very excited to almost have this first round of quilts done.  I have plenty more to start designing -- and that's my FAVORITE part :)

So, until the next time...


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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Me time

This morning started out as a typical Monday morning with kids not wanting to get out of bed, losing shoes and the hubby had to jump-start the minivan before he could drop 2 of the 3 boys who go to Elementary school off at school. 

After searching for hours for the afore mentioned lost shoe, I finally gave up and took him to buy a pair of new shoes.  Then, just to torture him, I took himwith me to Starbucks where I purchased a White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha and a piece of Pumpkin bread.  He was smart enough to NOT ask for anything.

After dropping him off at school, I came home and plopped myself in front of my pc.  I played WoW for a couple of hours and then messed around on pinterest for a while.  It felt good to do something relatively mindless :)

When I realized it was already two in the afternoon, I ran to the store for some groceries and finished shopping in time to pick up the boys from school.

We came home, put the groceries away, had snacks, the boys started their homework while I started some laundry and made the new chore chart for the week. 

Before I knew it it was already 5 and I needed to start dinner because I knew I would be leaving for tennis clinic at 6:30.  So, now I'm cooking dinner while helping my youngest two make mailboxes for their Valentine's and managing the older boys doing their chores for the day.

Let's just say that by the time my bestie came and picked me up to go to tennis I was ready to get the heck out of Dodge!

Tennis was fun and a great break.  Our Pro, Bill, really worked us hard in the beginning but it was a fun drill. 

Got home around 9:00pm and did some more laundry, finished loading the dishwasher, watched the Westminster Dog show and now here I am... Tired again and ready for bed.

So, I'm off to make my to-do list for tomorrow and, hopefully, fall right to sleep.

I'm not really sure if today counts as a "me" day, but I will take what I can get!


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Monday, February 13, 2012

busy, busy, busy

Top for a baby/Child quilt
Top for a Doll quilt
Embroidery detail in plaid of completed
Purple Flower blanket
Completed pieced Baby/Child "Flower" Blanket
Back of Flower blanket is a pink, Minky dot fabric
Almost completed purple and green Dragonfly blanket
Front and back of Dragonfly blanket

Well... It's been a while, but I've been a busy girl this week. 

I have finished 2 blankets/quilts, I have 2 tops finished and ready to go, played 2 tennis matches and welll... Didn't do near enough around the house.

I am spending the time the boys are at school sewing, but it is bleeding into the time when they get home.  I really need to stop working when they get home so I can focus on them and the house. 

So, that's the goal for this week.  When the kids get home I stop working.

I guess we will see how that goes.  For now, I am going to bed.  I'm beat!

I am adding some pics of my work this week... Let me know what you think


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Friday, February 3, 2012

looking forward to the long weekend ahead...

The picture is what I'm started with as far as my office goes.  It's changed a bit now with some cabinets and organizational stuff.  But, it's not even close to being done.

Today was a day filled with errands and laundry.  Yet, I feel like I accomplished nothing.

Went to my God-daughter's State semi-final soccer game (which they won) and by the time we got home and got the kids ready for bed I was ready to throttle my husband. 

After scouring the house looking for a missing navy blue soccer sock and not finding it, I ended up going to Wal-mart to look for a new pair.  Drug my bestie along with me so I could vent, which helped and even managed to find some navy blue socks.

Tomorrow I have to get up at 5 to head to a soccer tournament.  Then we have two birthday parties that evening.  Sunday, we have more soccer, a tennis match (I am playing singles) and the Superbowl.

Well, time to get the weekend started and head off to bed.


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Let's see if this works...

Yay! An app for my phone that allows me to blog anywhere :)

Today was another day filled with kids and quilting.  No tennis today, but that's ok.  My arm really needed a rest.

Woke up this morning and simply did not want to get moving.  My awesome Hubby took my boys to school and I was able to get a little more sleep.  After a shower, I watched "Mona Lisa's Smile".  Love, love, love the art in that movie. Makes me want to go back to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, where Van Gogh's "Starry Night" brought me to tears and Monet's "Agapanthus" became one of my favorite Impressionist pieces... And don't get me started on Monet's Water Lily's- they simply took my breath away.

I finally managed to get to the school and drop of field-trip money around noon and then made a quick trip to the grocery store.  Came home, quilted a bit before picking up the boys from school, came home, quilted some more and then some more and then some more.

I finally feel like I made some progress on the red and blue quilt today and am finally sewing together pieces that I will not be cutting to make different pieces.

With my new app I will be able to post picks as well.  So, I am pmanning on posting picks  of my in-progress quilts, as well as the progress of the conversion of my office from little boys outer space bedroom to my crafting room/studio.

Heading to bed now.  I have a parent-teacher conference early in the morning and lots of laundry and sewing to do as well.


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trying to blog from my phone is a totall fail... grrrrr... maybe tomorrow...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So tired...

This week has been busy and tiring. 

Tennis is in full swing now, with three teams going simultaneously: one on Wednesday morning, one on Saturday afternoons and the last on Sunday afternoon.  The last two weeks I have been practicing three- four times a week and that's not counting any matches that I may have played.  I think I would be fine if I were eating properly, but I'm not.  My diet has fallen apart and I'm eating too much junk food again. 

I'm really struggling to find the balance between tennis, kids and family and quilting full-time.  I am good with quilting while the kids are in school, but it's the stepping away to focus on kids and house when they are home that I can't quite make myself do.  I guess I would much rather be cutting and sewing fabric than cleaning house. 

The kids soccer will be starting up soon and we will have four different sets of soccer practices we will have to figure out.  Joy... more to add the growing list of things that need to be done.  :)

I have to head to bed now... I can barely keep my eyes open and I need to get up early and try to get laundry started, grocery shop, quilt and a few other things done tomorrow. 
